In response to Country Boys response to Perceived attacks of Rudeness

The famous fable The Kings New Clothes appears to apply to you Country seem to have an extroardinary belief in your self.
You have asked me to answer my critic (singular) and I shall.
Twice now you have mentioned the ridiculous presence of a line in my poem "me mummy me mummy me mummy encumium. You suggested that I perhaps had forgotten to take my medication?
The line is from a famous poet from Ireland who had no ability to talk or walk or see clearly. His name was Christie. Just Christie. He preferred to be known only by that name. The fact that you make the claim that medication was required is most probably closer to the point than you realise. He was lauded by a very potent and intense group of thinkers, vis a vie the Nobel group, in particular for one thing, the ability to portray a feeling by using an invented word. His word was used in a famous sentence " me mummy me mummy me mummy encumium". And as you may have already picked up that word was Encumium. it was meant to represent the feelings a totally dependant child or challenged adult has on there ever present and ever supportive Mummy. Also your reference to infantile doggerel, most probably (in light of Christies challenges)hits the mark.
My word chosen as a demonstrative example of this unique but admittedly left field method is "Olfaturate". I used this word as a mechanism to convey a sensory control of the subject in question's
mind. That the surrounding elements were bombarding the subjects mind and olfactory senses to such a degree that they were skippering or leading his thoughts. I do this often in my poetry and it gives me a wonderful sense of freedom and expression.
You ask if I think it is acceptable to use the words fuck and mother fucker in poetry? In the seventeenth century Shakespeare spake (haha) of "country matters" obviously referencing the female genitalia and forever lifting the word CUNT into a vernacular orbit never to be rivalled. Yes I believe in expression and yes I deeply believe in the presentation of deeply felt emotions however they fall on the page. Sorry if they offend you.
I also find it ironic that you state you genre in years ("old") and that you use this as a tool to conjure some level of respect. I teach my children (now fine, strong young women) that you don't grow old but you grow irrelevant.I tell them to stay abreast of everything and forge ahead of time, not to languish on the soft and comfortable settees that time offers in ridicule of your anachronistic situation.
You condescendingly state that I seem to have my heart set on being a poet. I counter that with only the truth.
Ha. Only joking. Come on Country Boy lighten up. Throw your reverence to age and dusty antiquated concepts in the bin. Start working on your relevance and do a naked dance to a new tomorrow. Hahahaha!
Lets be friends hey xx

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