Can't even tell you

How I feel, when your eyes meet with mine.

The brightest streak laced

across your hair, sways in the sun, gently

brushing the surface of your lips

like an early dawn born of a Summer's night

that bled stars so bright

and soon died, so to give you life.

Through an untouched land, your light

shines boundless, without borders,

to cure a lover's distance.

Can't even tell you

the pain you have caused,

it dwells within. I switch my words

to beguile my mind,

'it's nothing'. But it runs deeper

than any vessel to the heart, beckoning

Madness most wonderful,

Everlasting and enduring, than the

Land contending the Sea.

Can't even tell you,

because a third heart can't contend.

When yours has won

to a state of rapture and


for another,

better than I could

ever imagine.

Can't even tell you,

because your eyes will see me

less, as time flows by.

And blinded from your presence, is more

painful than any executed sorrow

my love has for you.

I can't tell you any of this and

part of that pain is not telling you so.

Though, healing comes from your eyes

as they are seen

through mine.

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Write what you see in letters bright as gold…


reminiscent of Petrarch and Laura…




Thank you.



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