Read it out loud.. these are spoken words

Sex, love, sex, lust, touch, feel, hold, flesh, cold, taste, lips, touch face, touch, skin in secret places, your breath on the brink of shrinking like you didn’t read the ‘how to wash’ label, you inhale a world of anxiety, unable to speak, hold your lungs, jump in the deep and try not to drown in the ocean she/he sorrounds you with – lust, love, rush, long time friend, high school crush, the Dr secretary, your morning barista, the office temporary, whoever, somewhere, however, every-time, buckling, you hit the surface and exhale a few words of ‘do you eat stuff? sometimes’.


A force pushing you there, towards him, towards her, your leaning with everything, every cell in your body spells your intention, your heart beats with panic, your soul in a perfect, pure, natural dimension… you’re at that intersection of is this right or do I go left? Will I be making love or is this virginity theft, or another night of he/she thought you might be mr/mrs right but your not and you know that -yet keep your mouth tight and wait till the next day she/he finds you were a mistake and plays another RNB song to this effect – and shares it on facebook as his/her status update along with some text – and you see it, hear it and the lyrics go something along the lines of fuck you, I hate you..***singing*** why did it have to be this way, why did you have to lead me astray...

Anyway You’re intending to, have sex… you want to know, what he/ she will be like not there, but here, close to you, even closer, inside you, you inside her… you want to be next to him/her, laying breast to chest, toes touching, breath brushing … But oh you are stuck.

Stuck behind red lights. It is so wrong to cross that line. You are legally bound to follow rules, socially accepted social expectations, from family, to religion, he/she is in your dreams, everyone else is in your ear - you’re dreaming of white doves, and waking up to clay pigeons. From the holly scrolls expectation to the girls and boys you roll with, worried about what names they’ll call you if you don’t fuck tonight… but your intuition drag you to a place you seem to meant to be, or maybe its just your sexual organs


sex, ahh sex, love, sex, lust, sex, what a fuss - a story to tell at school, it sells even the cruelest kids, the bullies, and takes you from being uncool to being a cool kid. So powerful that we lose perception at the thought, its a little below our preceptors yet the highest of our heightened senses, slightly above the subliminal lines of miles and miles of significance, interest, excitement, exhilaration, anticipation, pleasure, and the pain of battles between boys and girls over boys and girls, just for private  parts, conversations and sweet nothings that push the boundaries from the shallow waters of botany bay lookouts in the back of the car all the way to back of text books looking for topics of enlightenment – just to get that pussy, just to see that dick, and his tattoos, there’s no connection but to make your friends jealous you pretend to click… and lie, lie, lie to your self, to him, to her, and betray your self, and your body and anybody that comes in your path when your not being your realest half..

and no I don’t mean to say sex, love, sex lust, sex passion, sex  affection, sex intimacy, should be a voodoo topic, a taboo, no,  cause in my books angels have sex too… no, it shouldn’t be a topic bound by rules, regulations, limitations like it’s a main city district and your restricted in a traffic Jam trying to get somewhere trapped in a one way stuck between ‘no u turns’, stop signs and double lines…it shouldnt be so confusing or hard to talk about that every time your mouth opens it spits out your liver, nerves make your stomach turn, you get awkward goose bumps and shivers. No… But im saying that it has to be true, it has to be real, you have to know, every actions has a consequence to deal with…

Don’t become another chapter in someone’s daily story. Someone’s impulsive thought menace turned into a booty call, with a late night false promise of glory, nothing more than a mental illusion, your both delusional – and you know tonight will be the end to a never ending story you tell your friends; he never called you again - you never call him back… if you think of games and play them, be ready to rest in the bed you made…

Im just saying
Allow no less than a genuine notion of care become your ocean

Where every single wave has a purpose, so you can sense that devotion

Your naked body is a temple, offer it only

To the one who grants his naked soul to you wholly


Don’t allow pressure from forces to push you to submission...cause you have choices

Be different, say no to fucking with a bitter after taste of a rush, a heartbreak after a drunken crush, a losing sensation, cause your pussy, dick, heart, mind, soul is so desensitized that regardless of how times it is held, caressed, licked, touched – you have lost the feelings you’re meant to be feeling


Do not conform, resist, resistance is courageous, knowledge is power; become informed. Understand your body, understand hers, his, understand your mind, hers, his, your soul, hers, his.. the connection between it all.. understand sex is love, sex is expression, sex is passion, sex is trust…







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