For Zoc.

I want Privacy from The Light----/….
   I want Secrets and Space to Be Alone—/…
…… /For I alone ‘Rule’ The Universe of My Image/—through

The Minimal Powers of My Mind---/… and through My Raving Mad

and Senseless Imaginings/….- …You See,
My Image is My Whole Understanding of Everything/…… My Image is the sole focus and cause
of My Being and Destiny—/….It creates an Individual Space for My Individual Body ,/… Established firmly
in and as my perception and vision of Reality…/…. The Vast, Empty Space Made and Perceived
around Everyone and Everything/

………And as My Whole Understanding of who and what I am—-------- is This Little Thing
called My Flesh and Bone Physical Reality/which is More Real to Me than My very Own Mind/…
This Warped Understanding—--------------- ----------------------so frail, so weak,
is my own personal truth and secret purpose against The Wholeness and Power of The Light/…
-----For I would wish to be safely hidden and free of It……
……to Be and Dream of where I would wish to be and dream —-- and be not where I was originally
Created, Designed, and Inspired in The Radiance of The Eternal Brilliance

of Mind/

.—So Powerful am I…./---
As I was Created/—that Even My Idle Wishes can Rule

and Dominate My Mind/….--and I wish to be unchecked, unchallenged and
uncorrected in My Mad Notions and Fantasies, that My Reality is what I wish It to be/……and though I am often miserable with
what I wish and have---still, I am free -----for as I wish I am,----------------------------------------------so shall I wish to be…./…



I want Privacy from The Light…/..
I want Secrets and Space to Be Alone…/..
—---For I am Alone in my Miserable, Vulnerable Vision of Reality/…and because The Truth
as I see it ` is difficult

and is different for me I am Separate,
but Individual and Unique/–------There is no one else like me—/….and that is my Beauty—/…But There is No One Else Able to know My
Mysteries,/… My Reason and Purpose for Physical Being,/ And therefore, No One able, truly, to get closer to me/—
and that’s the Tragic, Lonely Curse of My Being/…………………..That I
can only wish and yearn and seek for Love/…….but I can Never Know Its Beautiful Painless Reality—
-----For As I am always Chasing the Painful Fantasy of Love, True Love has always eluded Me/…
And with True Love always Calling and Singing to My Heart’s Reality …
….True Love

has always Frightened Me/—for True Love

has never asked much from Me/— except that I let it be
Itself, and not try to Control and Manipulate it All For Me ---–or to Seek Control, really, over Anything Loving—
-----and Even This is Too Much

for Me to Agree to…/…for if True Love, as I imagine it, is meant for Me,
I Must Make It Do Inevitably as I Imagine…/…


I ‘m Afraid of The Alien Power and Clarity of The Light/….and So Afraid , Equally of really getting what I want—and though I seem
Damned, Doomed and Fated to Desire

---The Truth, Revealed to Me, Mirrored clean and Clearly
in The Light /…Shows Me nothing Deceitful, Hateful or Ugly about Me /.. in its Honest Evaluation,/…
and that is

Precisely Why I Hate It!/….…For Nothing,

not even The Eternal Light
should convince Me to Give Up My Nasty Childish Fantasies of Love and Life/---as My Vainest Wish
for Special Love has Cost Me Dearly,

made Me
Insanely Selfish, Sick and Insatiably Hungry /Just

for the Toys and Tools of Consuming
The Petty Material and Temporary Treasures that Eternity has long ago Revealed is Worthless to Me ./…..


I want Secrets and Space from The Light/….and Privacy with an Identity which gives Me The Necessary Anonymity and Independence from My Own Creator and Creations –/….
for I would Seem to Crave Only a Mad Independence------ even from My Own Origins and Reality/…
Desiring for.. and Insanely,

the Delusional Experience of being Self-Sufficient in My Imagined Self Creation—
and with Needs of No One and of Nothing which Never Satisfies Me-/….For this Travesty of Being

I am even
willing to die—---- Just to Establish This Twisted Reality
and to Bitterly Mock Creation’s Eternal Vision of Me-------- Thus, Replacing Eternity with My Own Nightmares!/ ...........I want Secrets and Space from The Light/……for I would Truly make Nothing of My Reality…/… for I would prefer to Choose and
Live with Fantasies of My
Reality/…… For I would Know of/… and Want Nothing of It…


9, August 2004/

 Amsterdam, Holland/…




----------- The Insidious Illusion Of Choice # 15/

. "Secrets and Space" Copyright 2005 /- -F I N N E G A N !/...

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So existential and apt!. You have certainly meandered through your heart and mind to the truth of 'being'. To dream is to live as we are dream our reality into existence. I do hope that you have stopped chasing the fantasy of 'love' and have found someone who accepts you as you are... beautiful..surreal and wonderful! Acceptance is a big thing!


Secrets and Space, as with many of my poems, is not necessarily about me, but about my experience of certain dark human characteristics. Okay, yes, I confess I have dated the narrator of Secrets and Space, but no, its not me per se.--to the extent that the voice of the poem is universal, yes, to the extent that it resembles my personal character, fear not. The loneliness, fear and misery of the poem in no way reflects the author. I just love to write about these things because having experienced these things poetry gives me an outlet to channel the intensity and the passion even though ultimately these things fizzled out and died slowly------------at least I got an excellent poem out of it! To the extent that I was able to even get existential about the relationship shows in the actual work itself and makes me consider myself lucky I didnt come out with more visible scars and forms of damage.


Thanks for tuning in, and if you can, check out some of my other poems



Most Respectfully


F i n n e g a n

I'm glad that,"The loneliness, fear and misery of the poem in no way reflects the author." I recognise its universality too. I will check out your other poems in time. You are welcome to check out mine too.


Hey Angel, I concur with Bridget. I really enjoyed it and its all encomapassing aspects with very effective visuals. Reminds me of Lao Zi outlining the essence of the dao. For some reason, I usually see your poems as a faint purple beam of light pulsating from the edges of a galaxy and shining onto the essence of who we are. Good stuff mate ...always enjoy your writing.


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