ultraviolet bleaches my pubic hairs

where i keep loose change

in the tangle of some ancient star

grown to absurdity

into a fusion reaction

that gifts cancer like kisses

every time a cell dies

across the scape of my skin

i feel it die

and i feel

what ive lost

forces me to spew

and my diamondback

intestines come up


with a hissed-out rattling

and my bones



peer pressure

the caps of my knees

stolen in snow

where a murdered son

made me a snow angel

my people melted me

i was not of their


i could not put it on

this black and logo and leather

and a smile


der Führer nods his head

and this system

is only less obvious

and camplike

no ominous signs of contradiction

save for reality


cumming down my throat

and foaming in my lungs

like satanic coffee


what ive seen in their eyes

on the train

in the street

molesting air with recurrent toxic

seems to be from a fantasy

of a death-row sexual sadist

his gums spread down his chin

and his eyes still laughing

as they drip like wine

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